Privacy Policy
Data protection information
Taxpayer Identification Code A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
DOMINION processes personal details to manage the resources, products and services provided to the public. Below we provide a detailed account of the data protection policy for the different services, pursuant to European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee Act 3/2018.
DOMINION, within the framework of the provision of services for third parties, has designed management systems in which the minimum essential data of its own personnel or subcontractors who work for the company are used through the SGS Mobile application. The data sets that we need and that we treat as a company in each case will be the minimum necessary, and will be used exclusively within the framework of the provision of the service, they will not be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than the employment relationship. The use of geolocation data will only be carried out in the event that it is essential for the sake of efficiency and the demands of the tasks to be carried out, and no control measures will be adopted other than the strict execution of the tasks and the efficiency of the business.
Our personal data processing information policy is provided below. By clicking on each policy item you can have access to detailed information on how the organisation processes personal data:
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
To manage replies to any messages sent by employees through the channel created to report any actions or conduct that violates applicable general or sector-specific regulations, particularly with regard to ethical conduct or moral and/or sexual harassment.
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Compliance with a legal obligation under the Penal Code, Organic Act 3/2007, of 22 March, for Effective Equality between Women and Men and the Workers' Statute: article 6.1.c) of the European Data Protection Regulation
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service assistance.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
The data will be retained as long as is required to decide whether or not the reported facts need to be investigated.
In all cases, the data must be deleted from the reporting system three months after they have been entered.
Should they need to be kept to continue an investigation, they can be further processed somewhere other than the area of investigation.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: +34 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
Recruitment process management for filling vacant positions
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Consent: art. 9.2.a) European General Data Protection Regulation
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service assistance.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data relating to recruitment processes will be retained until the end of the recruitment process, and will be blocked with restricted access when reports are filed relating to management in general and also to specific personal data.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
When data processing required obtaining the consent of the person concerned, then this person may ask for it to be revoked, but this will not affect any processing performed before this request is made.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code: CIF A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
Securing and generating potential customers.
Managing personal details relating to the contact people working for organisations that order the various services Dominion provides.
Sending information regarding the company's activity.
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Established legal relationship: Article 6.1.b) of the European General Data Protection Regulation.
Legitimate interest in securing customers and in providing information: Article 6.1.f of the European General Data Protection Regulation
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Other Group companies
Legally regulated transfers
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data will be kept during the established legal relationship, and will be blocked with restricted access at the end of this relationship. The data will remain blocked during any periods stipulated by specific applicable legislation, as well as during any periods required to enforce any liabilities relating to management in general and also to specific personal data.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code: CIF A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
To manage notices and responses in relation to general queries sent via the company's contact channels.
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Legitimate interest, in accordance with article 6.1.f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation.
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service assistance.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data will be kept as long as required to deal with the request submitted by a person, and will be blocked with restricted access for one year, after which time it will be deleted.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code: CIF A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
To manage and resolve any requests submitted by people in relation to exercising their rights regarding how their personal data is processed.
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Compliance with a legal obligation: Article 6.1.c) of the European General Data Protection Regulation.
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service assistance.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data generated following the request for a right relating to personal data processing will be retained until the process is completed and filed. It will be blocked with restricted access from then on and will remain blocked for a maximum of three years, which corresponds to the maximum time limit relating to management in general and also to specific personal data.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code: CIF A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details For the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
Managing processes concerning personal data security breaches, determining the nature of the potential effect it can have on individuals, the extent of the consequences, reporting and actions taken
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Fulfilment of a legal obligation: Article 6.1.c) of the European Data Protection Regulation.
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service support.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data relating to managing security breaches will be retained until the process is filed, including, as appropriate, the procedure carried out before the Data Protection Agency and/or the complaint procedure. At the end of this process, the data shall be blocked with restricted access during the limit periods in relation to the demand for liabilities associated with general management and the specific management of personal data.
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.
Who is in charge of processing your data?
Taxpayer Identification Code: CIF A95034856
Postal address: 3 Pio Baroja Place, 1st Floor, 48001 - Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Phone: 944 793 787
Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
What do we use your data for?
To manage communication with people related to the public and private sector which are important for DOMINION.
To manage commercial relations with self-employed people and representatives of companies which provide services of or for the organisation and any personnel working in association with them.
What does authorisation for the processing of your data consist of? (Opt-In)
Legitimate interest: article 6.1.f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation.
In which cases do we disclose your data?
Personal data will not be disclosed unless it is strictly required to comply with any legal obligations applicable to such processing or to provide service assistance.
When are these transfers made?
This processing does not involve international transfers.
How long do we keep your data?
Personal data will be retained until the concerned party opposes or cancels this data processing, or when the person's role as a public officer or representative of public and private organisations or organisations working in association with or as reference to them changes
What are your rights when you provide us with your details?
Concerned persons are entitled to receive confirmation when DOMINION is processing personal data relating to them.
Specifically, you are entitled to access your Personal Details, and to request amendment of any incorrect piece of data or, when applicable, to request removal when, amongst other reasons, the details are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.
Under certain circumstances, concerned parties can request a restriction on data processing. In this case, details will only be retained to raise or challenge any complaints.
The concerned person can exercise their rights (Opt-out) by sending their request to the postal or e-mail address provided in the data controller identification section, and a model application form is available here.
You may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, particularly when you are not satisfied with how your rights have been exercised, by writing to the postal and/or e-mail address indicated on the website.
Data will be processed confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed without authorisation.